Photography: Jason De Words: Jason De Hello, world! Welcome back to another year of FitmentFreaks! As far as natural progression occurs we were back at Zen Garage for the first hang of the year! This time i was lucky enough to ride shotgun in Harry’s GTR! N E A T ! Hulk mode tab
Photos: Jake De & Aleks B. | Words: Nathan Kumar cha·ris·ma Noun: Compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. A divinely conferred power or talent Now that you’re on par with the term and the dictionary definition lets delve deeper, how does one define
Photos: Aleks Brajic | Words: Aleks Brajic As each year passes, I am seeing more and more mind blowing cars being built. Boundaries are being pushed, new limits being set but there is often one particular build that sets itself apart from many others. One that extends beyond those bou